Hamburg, Germany
Just equipped with a revolutionary new technological brick, Energy Observer has unveiled a brand new face for its arrival in Hamburg.
Coming from: Amsterdam, Netherlands
Time of arrival: 10:00 AM

Energy Observer - Hamburg
“I am very satisfied with the first assessment of this navigation between Amsterdam and Hamburg. The system of our Oceanwings® is an excellent one that allows us to go faster and use less energy. A new challenge will be to work on the hydrogenation part: i.e. the production of energy obtained thanks to the rotation of the propellers.”

Energy Observer in Hamburg, Germany
Operating thanks to a mix of renewable energies coupled with a system for producing carbon-free hydrogen from seawater, Energy Observer has integrated two Oceanwings® propulsion wings from VPLP Design. Rotating, self-propelled and 100% automated, they will reduce the vessel’s energy consumption, accelerate its speed but above all produce energy and hydrogen while sailing.

What an incredible experience, navigating with 300 ships for the 830th Port of Hamburg anniversary! Thank you for this amazing festivities!
Enerkite, high-flying wind energy
This is part of Energy Observer Solutions, the platform for pioneers committed to transforming the world. To learn more, please visit our dedicated website.
Discover Energy Observer SolutionsAlexander Bormann, an engineer at the famous Technical University in Berlin and founder of EnerKite, has fine-tuned a new device to produce electricity using the power of the wind. His start-up is developing airborne wind turbines similar in appearance to large kites, which harness the energy from the strong and constant winds found at high altitude.