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      Aberdeen, United Kingdom

      An opportunity for our crew to discover Scotland for the first time, known as a pioneer nation in the new energy sector.

      Coming from: Ålesund, Norway

      Time of arrival: 10:00 AM

      Drone picture of a cliff and rough sea near Abderdeen, Scotland

      Scotland, 100% renewable energy in 2020

      Since 2005, the Scottish Government has made the energy transition its priority. With a strong activity around offshore oil, Scotland has completely revised its targets with the aim of moving to 100% renewable energy production by 2020.

      To achieve this goal, the nation is diversifying its investments in renewable energy, focusing not only on wind power, but also on hydropower, solar and biomass. For example, 80% of the energy currently produced in Scotland comes from wind and tidal power.

      This figure is likely to change with the current creation of a new wind farm in Glasgow. This park, composed of 215 wind turbines, will be able to generate 539 megawatts, and thus supply about 300,000 households with electricity, i. e. the entire capital.

      From fossil fuels to renewable energies

      The energy transition in Scotland and more generally in the United Kingdom has attracted the attention of our productions team to come and investigate on site, and more specifically in Aberdeen. As the European oil capital, the city of Aberdeen, like the United Kingdom in general, has become aware of the limits of fossil fuels and now wishes to become the European low-carbon energy capital. In order to succeed, the city relies in particular on offshore wind turbine projects. Projects that our team has had the chance to discover and that we will soon share with you through our documentary series "Energy Observer, the Odyssey for the Future"!

      Our vessel will soon set sail again to embark on a symbolic journey: to London, the final stopover of the 2019 Northern Europe tour.


      Beach Guardian, eliminating the plastic from beaches

      This is part of Energy Observer Solutions, the platform for pioneers committed to transforming the world. To learn more, please visit our dedicated website.

      Discover Energy Observer Solutions

      Emily Stevenson, "Plastic Elimination Warrior"

      Since 2016, Emily Stevenson has been campaigning to protect the ocean. At the tender age of eleven, she reached a turning point in her life during an art project when her class visited a beach to recover the waste and make objets d’art from it. It prompted her to develop the Beach Guardian project in 2017 with the help of her father.

      The association is trying to come up with a solution to the plastic pollution amassing on the beaches. In this way, it is organising citizen-based campaigns to collect and then sort the plastic waste. The association stores the waste it uses to host awareness workshops and campaigns to try to reduce our reliance on plastic. The British press describes her and her father as the next “Plastic Elimination Warriors”.

      Heading to London!

      Instagram media post

      D-3 before London! We hope to see many of you for our last stopover of our Northern European tour, starting October 5th at St Katherine docks !

      See this post on Instagram