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Région Bretagne

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For the Brittany Regional Council, the Energy Observer project embodies yachting in the 21st century, combining energy and digital transition, and supported by sailors from one of the most famous of Brittany’s coastal regions, Pays de Saint-Malo.

While the regional authorities have long supported the technological innovations in Brittany’s shipyards, especially for offshore yacht races, they are also very attentive to the efforts made by all those involved in yachting in terms of sustainable development.

The Energy Observer project signals a new step forwards, associating sailing with renewable energy production so that a boat, like a region, a building or an individual house, can be autonomous in energy on the ocean.

Since 2010, the Region has worked hard to develop renewable energies, and to keep energy consumption under control. Energy Observer matches these aims.

But ecological transition cannot be achieved without the help of innovative technologies, and this is the challenge for the Glaz Economy, blending high-tech expertise and traditional Brittany skills, including the trades linked to the sea. Here again, Victorien Érussard and Jérôme Delafosse’s project is in line with regional priorities.

“A maritime region such as Brittany is naturally delighted to give its support to the Energy Observer, an authentic adventure combining preservation of the environment and technological innovation.”

Loïg Chesnais-Girard, Président du Conseil régional de Bretagne

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